Lovel End Nursery
Grant Funding
The Nursery is registered with Ofsted, the Buckinghamshire Early Years Childcare & Education Partnership and members of the Pre-School Learning Alliance.
Grant funded nursery places for children 3 & 4 years old are available from the term after their third birthday:
Universal funded children are encouraged to attend five sessions per week, 15 funded hours are allocated to each child, 3 hours in each session.
The minimum number of sessions accepted is 3 per week (9 hours) which must be split across three days to ensure consistency. Universal hours are free to parents term time only 38 weeks of the year.
30 hour funding is also accepted for full time places 9-3pm term time only 38 weeks of the year. Healthy packed lunches are to be provided by parents.
30 hours free childcare - GOV.UK (
Our current fees for this academic year (2023/24) are £24 per session (3 hours) which is invoiced termly along with £1 per session
(3 hours), per child for snacks and consumables. We provide fresh fruit, vegetables and snacks such as toast or crumpets to the children each session along with fresh water or milk.
There will also be a one off charge at the beginning of the year to cover out-sourced and extra curricular activities. This is to cover the costs of our Forest School teacher, music and movement sessions, special visitors (eg Zoo visit or storyteller) and entertainers that we like to surprise our children with throughout the year. This one-off charge is currently £150 and is payable before your child starts with us at the Nursery.
We accept all Childcare Vouchers.
How to apply
Adding your child to our waiting list is free. Please complete the waiting list application form here. It is never too early to apply and a confirmation email will be received upon submission.
Adding your child to the waiting list does not guarantee that you will get a place with us. We offer places based on date order of registration and availability. We have one intake per year in September and 24 spaces available per session.
We begin to make contact with those registered on our waiting list at the beginning of the year they would be due to join. This is to confirm if families are still interested in the first instance and to invite you in for a stay and play session and to see the nursery.
We warmly encourage families to visit the nursery. These can be organised by emailing