Lovel End Nursery

​"Play is the highest form of research". Albert Einstein
​We offer your child
A curriculum following the approved Early Years Foundation Stage. Our purpose built Nursery also has the benefit of working alongside the school, and we are able to use the school hall, kitchen area and playground. This experience is invaluable to the children moving on to Chalfont St. Peter Infant School*, as the school becomes familiar territory and the learning process is not hampered by having to adapt to new surroundings.
Individual care and attention, made possible by a high ratio of adults to children. Each child has a dedicated keyworker assigned to them. The adult to child ratio is 1:6 (Legal requirement 1:8). We can take a maximum of 24 children in each session. We offer each individual child, quality education and care within a warm and friendly environment that encourages them to learn and develop at their own pace as they interact and play.
* Please note that attendance at the Lovel End Nursery does not guarantee entrance to the Chalfont St Peter Infant School.
"Staff use sharply focused assessments to identify gaps in children's learning"
"Staff teach children discipline, taking turns, respect for each other and how to be patient" - Ofsted July 2015

​Early Years Curriculum
At Lovel End Nursery our curriculum is designed to challenge and support the development of children’s knowledge and skills. Our curriculum intent is to facilitate high quality teaching and learning opportunities, support wellbeing and the individual needs of the child. We provide learning opportunities through fun and exciting activities; play is an essential strategy for learning. The children engage in fun child led activities encouraging spontaneous learning that encourages enquiring minds and self-confidence. Adult led activities are created by the child’s interest and allows creative thinking, new vocabulary opportunities, open ended questions, problem solving and new experiences.
Our curriculum addresses the Social, Emotional, Physical, Intellectual, Moral and Cultural development within a safe, secure and stimulating environment. It will develop skills, attitudes and understanding in all the seven areas of learning. All areas are of equal importance.
The Prime Areas of Learning
Communication and Language;
Physical Development;
Personal, Social and Emotional Development.
The Specific Areas of Learning
Understanding the World;
Expressive Arts and Design.
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a comprehensive statutory framework. It is mandatory for all Early Years providers and sets the standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to five. The EYFS extends throughout the years of education and gives each child the chance to become a lifelong learner.
It ensures:
Children learn through play-based activities.
Practitioners work in partnership with parents/carers.
Practitioners acknowledge and value the child’s learning at home.
Parent/carers are kept informed of their child’s progress.
Equal opportunity to learning for all children.
The welfare and all-round development of children with different backgrounds and level of ability including those with special educational needs and disabilities.
We understand that you, the child’s Parent/Carer are the child’s primary educator and we want to work in partnership with you to help develop your child to their full potential during their time with us.
Jolly Phonics
We use Jolly phonics throughout our day, we hope you will find this guide useful